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Website Terms

By using the Website, you confirm that you accept these terms of use.

1. Who we are

  1. 1.1) is the website ("Website") and it is owned by Digital Deep Pty Ltd ("DD"). ACN: 642 003 503.
  2. 1.2) These Website Terms govern the website operated and provided by DD.
  3. 1.3) By using the Website you confirm that you accept these Website Terms ("Website Terms"). If you do not agree to the DD Website Terms, do not use the Website.
  4. 1.4) DD reserves the right to update and modify these Website Terms. Please read, understand and accept these Website Terms every time you use the Website to ensure you understand the Website Terms that apply.
  5. 1.5) DD may, without notice, terminate, change, remove or suspend this Website or any part of the Website at any time.

2. Disclaimer and Liability

  1. 2.1) DD provides the Website and its contents on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranty.
  2. 2.2) DD does not accept liability or responsibility for any content or material on the Website.
  3. 2.3) DD does not warrant that the Website, any files obtained from or through the Website are free from harmful code, computer viruses or other defects.
  4. 2.4) DD recommends you use your own virus protection software to check all files.
  5. 2.5) This website may contain links to third party websites. DD does not warrant or accept any liability or responsibility for third party websites. Access third party websites at your own risk.

3. Intellectual Property

  1. 3.1) DD retains all copyright and ownership of ALL created work and Intellectual Property on the Website unless otherwise agreed by DD in writing.
  2. 3.1) You may not use or reproduce or modify any content displayed on the Website without DD's written consent.

4. Choice of jurisdiction and law

  1. 4.1) The Website Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the law in force in New South Wales, Australia. The Parties to this Agreement submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.
  2. 4.2) If any provision of these Website Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will remain in effect.