twitter: @_metalPig   |   email: oi.giplatem[ta]olleh

26 November 2022

The State of Virtual Reality

Is something rotten in the state of VR?

I am writing this for the amusement of future generations. They will look back and laugh at how naive I am. "Imagine strapping a big computer to your head, ha ha ha."

But "There's many a man has more hair than wit."

After diving deep into the Meta Oculus world of Virtual Reality (VR), I have come to the following conclusions:

  • VR is fun. It has amazing games like "SuperHot" and it allows the creation of complex 3d design (both items and environments)

  • VR has downsides like the motion sickness that is experienced by some people on some games

  • VR is a valuable learning tool for the real world. It allows job training in a safe VR environment

  • VR is an excellent education tool. The ability to travel virtually and experience the Pyramids in the Valley of Kings, or the ancient stone city of Petra is invaluable

  • VR will not go mainstream until we can carry it 24x7

Headsets are bulky and look kind of silly. Strapping a computer to your head ... meh.

Augmented Reality (AR) will become a more powerful technology than VR. With AR and the appropriate technology like AR contact lenses (in development) the user will be able to travel with and use this technology in all waking hours. Maybe sleeping hours too.

And for those who are incomplete without a mobile phone, AR will be a better mobile phone! People will get around in their avatars as AR skins and augmented fashions will permeate this world.

So bring on AR and DM me on twitter @_metalPig