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17 January 2023

The MetaVerse is not VR ready!?!


We have the “MetaVerse” and the “Crypto MetaVerse” but they are not VR ready. They are immersive experiences, but not on the same level as Fortnight and Minecraft.

I have read the Metaverse classics so I have expectations. The Metaverse is VR right? Well no, the MetaVerse is a money making buzzword. It’s all about the immersive experience and recreating successful games like Fortnight and Minecraft but with casinos for monetisation.

Hey, I don’t like gambling in the real world, so why would I want to do it in the Metaverse?

Fortnight leads the immersive gaming experience. I have attended all the live events and have been blown away by the immersion, collaboration, music and excitement. I have also attended events in the Crypto Metaverse and they are good fun, but a poor man's Fortnight.

Within the crypto MetaVerse, the Sandbox is trying to be Roblox and Minecraft, but lacks the slick gameplay, crafting and user base. Decentraland and Pavia are trying to be Fortnight. But let’s face it, who can stand against Epic Games with Fortnight and MetaHuman.

I am hopeful that in the future MineCraft will hold their MineCon’s as interactive in game experiences. Minecraft is a slick game with years of work completed on the gameplay. And you can play MineCraft in VR on the Quest — which is a wild experience as you balance at the edges of immense holes in the ground while being chased by life size monsters.

IMO, the current crypto metaverse is a money grab, copying market leading gaming and introducing land which will most likely be worth nothing in the long run.

Despite this, I am bullish on the metaverse and I am interested to see which companies will obtain the critical mass and subsequent network effect. I can see that within this network the Metaverse land will be of value and this is where crypto will be needed for the suitable land NFT’s.

So until we get the heavy weights in, the Metaverse may make cool clunky games, but they are not a good investment. And why are they shying away from VR and AR? Isn’t that what the Metaverse is?

If you want to talk, DM me on twitter @_metalPig