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19 January 2022

It's a Foolish Man who Builds on Sandy Pixels

Building the MetaVerse, pixel by pixel

I have enjoyed the classics. "Snow Crash", "Neromancer" and "Rainbows End" through to "Ready Player One" and maybe even "The Matrix". I really like the MetaVerse.

I see the MetaVerse as a natural progression for humanity to push further into digital worlds.  Driving forward for business, social, love and gaming.  Digital money, digital avatars, digital pets, digital doubles it's digital fulfilment :)

Right now, we are at an inflection point in technology. On the edge of the cliff, stepping off into the abyss. It looks great, but the path is unclear.  We don’t even know if we will fall into the abyss as the rules are not set yet.

And this is the issue as I see it. The rules are not set and this makes it shaky ground for locking value into the MetaVerse.

For example, what use is buying land on a platform that will allow you to scale yourself and others down to the size of an atom and have a galaxy inside a 1 pixel cube?  That is unlimited land!

Or buying land in a favourable (visible) location when everyone accesses the locations directly via a link in their calendar with a time and coordinates.  That is, they don’t go past your amazing location, because they teleport in and out to the specific place they want to be at the time they choose.

So we need a standardised framework to set the rules. This will allow transfer of wealth and items across the MetaVerse.  Like the W3C for the MetaVerse. The M3C?

Ready Player One addresses this with rules like no PVP areas, no magic zones and physical travel times between worlds.

To be clear, I feel we need rules for  real world applications, where the MetaVerse could be a digital twin of the physical world.  And looser rules for social business, social events and game applications, where the MetaVerse can diverge into fantasy.

This framework needs full adoption, so it needs full buy-in from all the players.  I think a DAO is the way to go.  But with the voting power sorted so no one can have the majority of voting rights and control the organisation for their own evil ends (think IOI and the Sixers).

Rules can be changed and adjusted, but on a DAO vote.

The way I see it is the framework needs to include a “source of authority” blockchain technology, so everyone knows and agrees on what is owned and the basic rules.  Blockchain so it is in the public eye, auditable and distributed.

The blockchain contracts need to be solid and easily understood by the masses.  Code is law, and simple code is power to the people.

Or we can let big MetaVerse companies with the BIG money fight it out for mass adoption and dictate the dystopian future.

Let me know your thoughts.

DM me on twitter @_metalPig.