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15 April 2023

Many Fingers Make Light Work

The extra digits in AI art


MidJourney is out in front of the AI generative art race. is in hot pursuit and Adobe Firefly is the new kid on the block. Hands are still a problem across all Generative AI text to image art.

Maybe AI is onto something, with 6 or 7 fingers we could wear more jewellery, type faster and play better piano or guitar. However, if you are a fan of the pentadactyl limb, then getting 4 fingers and a thumbs is still not a certainty when generating your AI art.

Hands have always been counted as one of the hardest things to get right even with human artists. They just look right or look wrong. AI gets them looking mostly right, but sometimes you end up abnormalities that are way off the evolutionary tree.

Below are some choice outputs from MidJourney, and Adobe Firefly.

As always, if you want to talk DM me on twitter @_metalPig