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17 November 2022

AI Image Generation with Dall-E

Digital paint hits the canvas

The Open AI Dall-E image generation tool is impressive. It was easy to use and the results are cool. It is a great way to create stunning images.

AI helps with the generation of ideas. Some of the resulting images are totally unexpected, and sometimes that is from poor image description and spelling mistakes. Using this tool, I was able to create some really incredible images that I would never have thought of on my own.

Images are generated using a text description of the image you are after and in what style you want it. The AI generates 4 variations of which you can select to upscale in resolution, or get further variations. You can also feed in an image to use as a style guide and erase sections of generated images for redo. It is possible to tile together images to generate bigger scenes like the "Tech Nerds" image in the above header.

It passes the Turing Test, that is you can't tell if the image was produced by a computer, or human.

A new era in art is upon us and it's exciting :)

Note: All images on this page are a collaboration between myself and the Dall-E Artificial Intelligence machine.

If you want to talk, DM me on twitter @_metalPig
