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7 December 2022

Creating Media the AI Way

Generating video from text

The next frontier in AI is the ability to generate video from text input. This technology has the potential to revolutionise the way we create and consume media.

Imagine being able to simply type out a script for a video, and have an AI algorithm generate a fully-realized, high-quality video based on that input. This could be used for everything from creating video content for social media and advertising to generating animations for movies and TV shows.

One of the key challenges in developing this technology is teaching the AI to understand the nuances of language and to generate visuals that accurately represent the input text. This requires a deep understanding of natural language processing and computer vision, as well as the ability to generate coherent and realistic-looking images.

Another challenge is ensuring that the generated video is of high quality. This means not only having high-resolution images and smooth motion, but also ensuring that the visuals match the tone and style of the input text.

Despite these challenges, we are already seeing exciting progress in this area. For example, the Meta AI Make-A-Video ( is producing short and quirky video results. These are early steps but is gives a glimpse of the potential of this technology.

In summary, the next frontier of AI is the ability to generate video from text input. This technology has far-reaching implications and will be instrumental in transforming how we create and consume media. It will be fascinating to see how this technology continues to evolve and what new applications it will enable.

It’s another step forward towards realtime RPG gaming. Games that are always unique with the day's famous gamers streaming (and monetising) their in-game experiences.

Let me know your thoughts.

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