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16 January 2023

AI's Got Game


The future is top tier games like Fortnight or Minecraft hooked up to a powerful AI immersive story machine projecting original personalised experiences to us, the streamers. Bring on the matrix.

The world of gaming is evolving and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. One of the most exciting developments has been the integration of AI into game design. Games have started using the OpenAI GTP3 Chat API and now with GPT4 inbound I am keen to see what will evolve.

Traditionally, game worlds were created by designers, who would carefully craft each environment, character, and story. It’s a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, and often resulted in linear gameplay and limited static worlds that lack the realism and immersion that players crave.

Introducing AI-powered world generation allows game developers to create vast, complex worlds in real time that feel truly alive, with stunning visuals and rich dynamic stories. Currently it is text adventures, but the future is incredibly high-resolution graphics and dynamic, ever-changing environments.

One of the key benefits of AI-powered world generation is its ability to create truly unique and personal experiences for each player. With AI algorithms that can analyse player behaviour and preferences, the game world can adapt and evolve in real time, offering unique challenges and opportunities for each player. This not only keeps the game fresh and engaging, but also allows for truly deep and personalised story-telling within the game.

Personalised story-telling, personalised marketing, product placement and unique digital and physical item sales: this will be the future of game monetisation — oh that is evil. This means free games with layers of personalised marketing and advertising. The fight will be to get the critical mass of users. Just think what it will be like with Fortnight or Minecraft hooked up to a powerful AI immersive story machine.

Another exciting aspect of AI-powered world generation is its potential for virtual and augmented reality. With AI algorithms that can generate high-resolution graphics and responsive, realistic environments, virtual and augmented reality gaming can become even more immersive and engaging. Players can truly feel like they are living in these digital worlds, exploring and interacting with their surroundings in real time.

Currently the downside is the speed lag, we have to wait for data streams between the game and AI server, but this will get faster. Also the computer power to generate realistic HD worlds on the fly is not available for normal consumers -- yet.

I can see a future of famous gamers and streamers living out stories within realtime movies. Fans watching, interacting and collaborating in the story as the narrative arc twists, turns and interacts with their own personal stories. Entertainment will be twisted in with reality.

Overall, the integration of AI into game design is a game-changer, literally. With the ability to generate vast, complex, and dynamic worlds in real time, game developers can create truly immersive and personalised experiences for players. The potential for virtual and augmented reality only adds to the excitement, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for AI-powered gaming.

Let me know your thoughts.

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