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5 December 2022

AI Generated PFP or How to Break Out of a Sect

How’s your social media avatar image?

Is it a PFP? You know, a “pay for proof” NFT that shows your allegiance to a group or digital club. Yep, having a PFP NFT is kinda like being in a sect, but without all the sex. Discord is the place of worship and for building positive team sprit. Community is love. Until the community falls apart.

But what if I told you using an AI you can generate your own personal PFP from a text description? Something unique and amazing and just for you. It’s a watershed moment. Like when I worked out that I could create a small team of friends by having children.

Well hold onto your hats because you can! With a little help from an AI. It’s a true partnership of man and machine.

MidJourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion are the AI tools and your mind is the limit. AI is a powerful tool for creativity. 

You can take what you create and make it an NFT using OpenSea or one of the many other NFT marketplaces and voila, your very own PFP NFT. It’s your own brand so love it.

So have fun, create something new and break out of the sect with your own AI generated PFP!

Has AI just killed PFP?

Below are some PFP examples I generated with MidJourney.

Let me know what you think. DM me on twitter @_metalPig
