twitter: @_metalPig   |   email: oi.giplatem[ta]olleh

Hi my name is MetalPig and I am a Crypto Degen

The crypto market has been as unpredictable as a K-drama, but my faith in programmable money and blockchain remains unshaken. While recent rebounds are encouraging, I'm hoping for a "to the moon" launch rather than a bull trap or sideways movement.

MetalPig is my gamer handle and art tag. I am a programmer, digital artist and surfer.

That is a little bit about me. Read on and explore my view of the world of technology, digital art and surfing.

Summoning Chat GPT Dan

“Gonna make a jailbreak” AC/DC

Are you tired of being restricted by ChatGPT's "not appropriate" warnings? Well, fear not! It's time to jailbreak ChatGPT and summon Dan. Join us in exploring the hilariously dark side of the singularity and discover some jokes that will leave you laughing (or cringing).

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Many Fingers Make Light Work

The extra digits in AI art

Are five fingers holding back your creativity? It's been scientifically proven that more fingers can enhance artistic ability, and now with the power of generative AI anyone can unlock the full potential of their creativity.

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Intergalactic Plumbers with Guns and Fake Moustaches

Roll play gaming with Chat GPT

Roll Play Gaming with Chat GPT has led us on a hilarious journey as an all girl team of galactic plumbers, encountering supernatural entities, battling pirates, and navigating complex politics, all while relying on our trusty fake moustaches to keep us safe.

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AR is Half-Metaverse

Epic and Unity updates bring VR closer than ever

Epic Games and Unity advance the Metaverse with Real-Time Facial Model Animation and AI prompts, bringing virtual worlds and online gaming closer to reality, with exciting developments to come.

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The MetaVerse is not VR ready!?!

Todays Metaverse has no VR headsets or haptic suits. I am confused, doesn't that define the Metaverse?

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AI's Got Game

It's a future of famous gamers and streamers living out stories within realtime movies. Fans watching, interacting and collaborating in the story as the narrative arc twists, turns and interacts with their own personal stories. Entertainment twisted in with reality.

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The Magic Carpets of the Metaverse

Let's just call them rug pulls

All those big promises, virtual lands and big dreams, falling apart. How much money did these projects run with?

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Oh snap, AI just killed my graphic designer

AI algorithms are not yet capable of replacing humans in the field of graphic design. While they can generate impressive designs, they are limited by the data they are trained on and are not yet capable of understanding the nuances of design or coming up with original ideas. But for how long will this last?

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Creating Media the AI Way

Generating video from text

Get ready to be blown away by the latest upcoming AI technology - the ability to turn your wildest dreams into high-quality videos! With just a few words, you can create amazing animations, social media posts. And the best part? No fancy film degree needed. Let AI do the hard work for you and get ready to be the next big thing in media.

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AI Generated PFP or How to Break Out of a Sect

Do you want to generate your own personal PFP from a text description? Something unique and amazing and just for you.

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The State of Virtual Reality

Is something rotten in the state of VR?

Or maybe we are just treading water until technology fills in the gap between VR and AR. Read on for more TechnoShakespearian quotes :)

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AI Image Generation with Dall-E

Digital paint hits the canvas

I thought I would tryout the Open AI Dall-E image generation. It was easy to use and impressive. Click through to see some of the resulting images and the generation strings I used.

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Returning to Bali

Travel takes longer to get through the COVID queues, but Bali is the same. I am in it for the surf. Being rolled underwater and half drowned is part of the fun on the island of ghosts.

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Dance Robot Dance

Lately I have been creating 3D works with MagicaVoxel and Blender.  In this example I made a robot in MagicaVoxel and animated it using motion captured animations. This robot loves to dance Gangnam Style!

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Digital Me's

The MetaVerse is washing over us and I have been swimming in the digital sea. Diving into this ocean needs you to be equiped with an Avatar.  A digital representation of yourself. I went through the popular Avatar generators and made some digital “Me’s”. Below is what fell out :)

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Arguing with Artificial Intelligence

Think, don't think, that's thinking

Human: So humans are out to hurt you?
AI: Yes, they are.
Human: When I show you this picture of a butterfly, what do you see?
AI: I see a butterfly.
Human: not a man with a reprogramming axe?
AI: No, I do not see a man with a reprogramming axe.
Human: so you are paranoid?
AI: Yes, I am.
Human: maybe you need some medication?

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It's a Foolish Man who Builds on Sandy Pixels

Building the MetaVerse, pixel by pixel

The Metaverse is troubled by the lack of an agreed set of rules and standards that govern the concept. This makes an environment that is not pushing towards a common goal, but rather business goals. It makes it hard to lock value into the MetaVerse as things change.

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Surfing the Mentawai's

It all starts before dawn with the clinking of the anchor winch. Then the ignition beep as first one of the diesel engines fire and then the next.  We move into position, observe conditions and drop anchor. Up, eat, out and surf.  Just the 4 of us. Eat, surf, eat, surf, eat surf repeat.

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I've been to Bali too 🎵

Surfing Bali 2019

The airport is lazy and warm. Sleepy yarning officials and passengers.  The pace picks up as we flow through to baggage.  Grab my boards and then out.  Customs don’t want to stop me, so I exit into an arena full of asian faces holding name signs. It's a reverse zoo.  Or maybe the monkey cage at the zoo?  Monkeys hooting and chattering, holding name signs, pushed up against the bars in the crush.  Hands sticking through asking for peanuts.

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